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Contact 20

Any questions, please get in touch. Check out our most common questions and answers, it may save you time.

Deleting your account
Login to the site, SETTINGS > DELETE ACCOUNT.

Cancelling a subscription
The process will vary on how you purchased your subscription. All methods are within your control. Login to the site, SETTINGS > SUBSCRIPTION. This menu will detect your payment method and explain what to do.

Uploading a picture
If your picture disappears then we have removed it. No nudity, guns, drugs, children or pointless pictures please.

Confirming your email address
We always send confirmation emails but sometimes they don't arrive in your inbox. Check junk/spam folders first. If it's not there then your email provider is deleting it before it gets to you. Microsoft do this a lot, so hotmail, live, outlook etc can be problematic. Please swap your address to gmail or yahoo.

Get in touch

If you still need help:


We hate getting bot spammed just as much as you do so swap the first * for an @ and the second for a .

+44 (0)7442 703816 : Call free via WhatsApp, voice calls Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (UK). Send text messages 24 hours per day.